Night flight qualifications

Night Flight Qualifications (NFQ)
General description
Anyone wishing to fly later than 30 minutes after sunset requires a night flight qualification. The prerequisite for training is possession of a private pilot’s license (PPL A). There is a theoretical and practical briefing with an authorized flight instructor. In the end, you don’t need an exam. The flight school only has to issue a certificate of successful completion of the briefing.
The theoretical briefing covers the following topics:
- The basics of flying at night
- Airfield lighting incl. Approach and runway lighting
- Obstruction lighting
- Meaning of lights of other aircraft
- Special features for approach and landing (including glide angle lighting system (VASIS) and precision glide angle lighting (PAPI))
- Estimating speed and distances
- Approach Light System
- Review of the instruments
Rounds at night
- Rolling onto the slopes
- Visual reference aids during the start control run
- Use of the instruments
- Circuit
- Aligning the aircraft – reference to runway lighting
- Lighting
- Start of approach and runway lighting
- Traffic pattern and airspace observation
- Positioning of the aircraft
- Different slope lighting and VASI (or PAPI)
- Flying the correct approach path
- Climb after overflight
- Approach and landing
- Alignment, lateral approach section and final approach
- Current wind influences
- Use of the landing lights
- Float out and touch down
Sunset - Roll out
- Leaving the piste – speed control
- Missed approach
Night flight navigation
- Selection of terrain features that are visible at night
- Beacon
- Influence of cockpit lighting on the colors of aeronautical charts
Use of radio aids
Influence of moonlight on visibility at night - Focus on maintaining a “minimum safety altitude”
- Alternative airports – limited availability
- Limited detection of weather deterioration
- Procedure for loss of orientation
Emergencies at night
- Radio failure
- Failure of the piste lighting system
- Failure of the aircraft’s landing lights
- Failure of the aircraft interior lighting
- Night flight
- Failure of the aircraft’s position lights
- Failure of the complete electrical system
- Start abort
- Engine failure
- Procedure in the event of an obstacle on the slope
The practical training
At least five hours of night flight training on airplanes must be included:
- 5 take-offs and landings with instructor
- 5 take-offs and landings solo until the aircraft comes to a complete stop
- 2 cross-country flights